This is our school. Students should take care of school property and maintenance of school property is our collective responsibility. Disciplinary action will be taken against students mishandling or damaging school property.
Maintain a dignified code of conduct. Stay clear of any anti social activity that harms or hurts self and others.
In order to acquire good command of the English language, students should speak only in English in the school campus. Tamil and Hindi can be spoken only during the respective subject periods.
Dress in a clean, neat, modest and dignified way to school. Make sure the footwear is polished and of the prescribed pattern. Pupils with uncombined hair, dirty finger nails etc will not be admitted into the school.
Boys – They should tuck in their shirt and wear school belt everyday . Hair should be neatly trimmed similar to police cut and hair colouring is strictly prohibited.
Girls – They shall not wear any jewellery , have long nails or apply nail polish/ kajal/mehandi. Hair should be neatly combed with two plaits ( for long or medium length ) with black ribbons.
Avoid taking leave for frivolous reasons. Regularity and punctuality are two virtues always admired by everyone.
Use of motorized two wheelers and four wheelers by students is strictly prohibited by school and by law.
Mobile phones and any other electronic equipments are not permitted in school. Any such object found will be confiscated, and shall be returned only at the end of the Academic year.
Ensure that you put in at least 6 hours of regular study everyday. This will enhance your study skills.
Remember homework is not just written work; it is also a means of reading everyday completed lessons at home.
Remain honest always. Avoid any form of malpractice in tests and examinations.
Make sure that the furniture is always neatly arranged, classrooms kept clean and table tops and walls are not scribbled on.
The school trains you to be disciplined and responsible. This will groom you into a responsible citizen who can take the country forward. Conforming to the rules and regulations of school is part of this training. It will make your school life enjoyable and memorable.
Students with any communicable diseases, to refrain from attending school, till infection clear. Medical certificate from registered practitioner and leave letter should be submitted on the day of reporting.