Behavioural Rules and Regulations

Every student should carry the Handbook to school daily and wear the school ID card to school everyday as part of the uniform.

The first bell in the morning is a signal for all students to get ready for Assembly. This should be done promptly and in silence.

No pupil shall enter or leave the class without permission when the lesson or other work is going on. Those found contravening this rule will be dealt with severely.

Students should always go in an orderly manner with hands at the back and proceed in a single line and observing perfect silence on the way. Any one is not allowed to run about in the classroom or in the corridors.

As per the directives from the TN Education Minister , the school reserves the right to mention poor conduct in the Transfer Certificate to students contravening the rules laid down by the school.

In order to maintain fair name of the school, the school shall expel students on grounds irregularity of attendance, disobedience, misbehavior , malpractice during examination, etc any time during the Academic year. Decision of the school authorities in this regard will be final.

Borrowing of article from other students is not permitted.

Littering, shouting or screaming is strictly forbidden in the school premises.

Books and notebooks should be brought regularly to the school according to the timetable.

In the common academic interest, students adhere to the above rules and regulations of the school.